to the
Sprout family

"Our mission is to help our children build stronger, healthier relationships with food that will last a lifetime"

Where it all

During the 2020 lockdown, our founders Fin and Tom joined the dots between one daughter’s picky eating behaviours and a shared passion for food. After numerous playground conversations with similar parents, they realised fussy eating was a significant challenge for families today and has the potential to impact a child for a lifetime. After joining forces with two leading child feeding specialists Lucy and Hazel, Sprout was born. 

Sprout was launched in response to the lack of simple, clear and effective tools to support how parents manage their emotions around picky eating whilst creating positive, sustainable changes in their child’s eating behaviours.

We are bridging the gap between the confusing range of freely available information on the internet / social media and the long waiting times and limited support through the NHS. While private care can help dramatically, it is quite simply inaccessible to many families due to the significant costs involved. 

At Sprout, we blend technology, the leading edge of academic research into child nutrition and parent psychology, and the expert advice from highly experienced child feeding practitioners to create a digital service that truly supports parents.

Meet our team

Lucy Neary

Head of Dietetics

Lucy is mum of 2 and a paediatric dietitian with over 10 years experience working in the NHS. She has also run a private practice helping 100’s of families with 1-2-1 support. 

See full bio

Hazel Wolstenholme

Lead Feeding Psychologist 

Hazel is our leading feeding psychology academic who specialises in the perceptions, experiences and management of childhood fussy eating behaviours. 

See full bio.

Tom Simmons


Findlay Guerin
